PTO Bylaws

The LaBrae Elementary PTO joins together to enhance the school environment for our children and to celebrate their accomplishments



The organization shall be the LaBrae Elementary PTO, which has no affiliation with any other group or organization. This group will support grades Pre-K to 5th grade in the LaBrae Local School District

The purposes of the LaBrae Elementary PTO are:

  1. To encourage cooperation between home, school, and community
  2. To coordinate volunteer efforts
  3. To supply resources for activities to enhance educational opportunities for our children
  4. To supplement the professional staff


    The basic policies of the LaBrae Elementary PTO are:

  1. The name, LaBrae Elementary PTO, or the names of members in an official capacity shall not be used in connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest
  2. Any conflicts of interest shall be disclosed
  3. LaBrae Elementary PTO shall cooperate with the school to support the improvement of education in ways that will not interfere with the administration of the school and shall not seek to control their policies
  4. All monies except those expenses incurred in fund-raising and meeting expenses shall be used to enhance LaBrae Elementary Schools (Both in the Bascom Building and the Intermediate block of the Main Complex) educational environment
  5. All decisions must be made in accordance with local, state, and federal laws.


  1. Persons will be eligible for membership if they are a member of the LaBrae Community. This includes both relatives of Bascom and Intermediate students as well as those residing in the LaBrae School District.
  2. Membership in LaBrae Elementary PTO shall be available without regard to race, color, sexual orientation, creed, or national origin
  3. LaBrae Elementary PTO officers and general members are volunteers of which neither are compensated for their services
  4. All members must adhere to the Code of Conduct


    The Executive Board of LaBrae Elementary Boosters shall be divided into three (3) different roles: A President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Members are encouraged to have at least one (1) participant from each building, however, participation numbers may make this impossible.

  1. Elected Members may retain their positions yearly, but should ask for permission to retain at the last meeting of the year (typically May)
  2. Open positions will be elected at the last meeting of the year (typically May)
  3. The Executive Board shall assume their official duties July 1st
  4. Executive Board Members are required to attend a majority of scheduled monthly meetings
  5. Must be willing participate in discussions and actions of the Executive Board
  6. Must help ensure funds are used appropriately to achieve the goals of the organization
  7. Use organizational resources for intended purpose and never personal use
  8. Honor the confidentiality of the Board proceedings and sensitive financial information (such as, but not limited to, account numbers or anonymous donors)


Nominations for the Executive Board shall be made from the floor during the last General Meeting of the school year by consenting parties.

An Executive Board vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person determined by the remaining Executives to be voted on at the next monthly meeting.

If at any time a member of the Executive Board is not fulfilling the duties of their position, they may be removed from that position after taking the following steps

  1. Discussion detailing job responsibilities
  2. Warning with discussion of resignation
  3. Proof of just cause


  1. Individuals who have attended at least one (1) meeting shall be eligible to vote.
  2. Each individual will only have one (1) vote
  3. Voting will be by voice, or upon request, by written ballot
  4. General members as well as Executive Board Members can motion at any time and with a majority vote carry the motion
  5. Without a majority vote the motion cannot carry
  6. The Executive Board may meet and hold special voting when deemed appropriate, but shall share a record of minutes from those proceedings publicly afterwards


The President shall:

  1. Set all monthly meetings
  2. Preside over meetings of the organization
  3. Prepare agenda for each meeting
  4. Work with Principals to develop the calendar of events for the upcoming year
  5. Be available as a signer on checking account
  6. Oversee additional business conducted outside of regularly scheduled meetings (i.e through social media or private group messaging for the Executive Board)
  7. Represent the organization at meetings of other groups, if needed
  8. Oversee formation and work of committees
  9. Retain all official records of the organization

The Secretary shall:

  1. Record the minutes of all meetings and have them available to the general organization within seven (7) days. (Currently meeting minutes are uploaded onto the organizations social media pages)
  2. Keep a personal record of all meeting minutes
  3. Manage methods of communication between the organization and the community (i.e Facebook, flyers, e-mails, Viking Nation)
  4. Send appropriate reminders for meetings, starting at least seven (7) days prior to the set date

The Treasurer shall:

  1. Receive all monies of the LaBrae Elementary PTO
  2. Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures
  3. Write checks for purchases and reimbursements as needed (with the required two (2) signatures and proof of expense)
  4. Create a monthly treasurer report
  5. Adhere to all budgeting decisions agreed upon by the LaBrae Elementary PTO
  6. Make all deposits in a timely manner
  7. Keep financial records organized and available to all at any given time
  8. Preserve financial records, including but not limited to, invoices, receipts, and request forms.
  9. Prepare an annual summary for the final meeting of the current school year


  1. General meetings of the entire LaBrae Elementary PTO membership shall be held monthly.
  2. The dates will be designated in accordance with the academic calendar and accommodating member schedules to the best of the groups ability
  3. Notice shall be given to public at least seven (7) days prior
  4. In special instances, such as during a pandemic, in person meetings may be suspended. When there is information to share meetings may be held virtually or business may be conducted by the executive board until such a time public meetings are allowed to resume.


  1. Committees will be developed as needed through sign-up sheets or Executive Board appointment
  2. Committee leadership shall be determined during meeting
  3. Executive Board Members shall be active in all committees and all committees shall report to the Executive Board Members


    1. LaBrae Elementary PTO shall keep such permanent books of accounts and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of LaBrae Elementary PTO funds.
    2. Books of account and records shall at all times be open to inspection
    3. Requests for reimbursements require documentation, including but not limited to receipts or invoices
    4. If funds are advanced the member must provide proof of spending and all unused funds are to be returned to the Treasurer immediately.
    5. Copies of yearly records are to be presented to the President at the end of the current school year, including meeting minutes, treasurer reports, invoices, miscellaneous paperwork, and kept on file as a standing record of the business conducted for reasons such as general inquiries and year to year comparisons of progress. These records may be kept filed as hard copies or in a digital format.
  • Fiscal Year is to be defined as July 1st to June 30th.


  1. All funds should be given to the treasurer within ten (10) days of receipt
  2. The treasurer should deposit the funds into the PTO bank account within 4 days of receipt
  3. Separate receipts of deposit should be made for funds collected for different purposes (i.e Funds from the Christmas Shop shall be deposited separately from Funds from the Breakfast With Santa)


  1. Due to fluctuation in membership, the By-laws should be up for review at least once per calendar year.
  2. Amendments to the By-laws will pass with a majority vote
  3. Any proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary within seven (7) days of the next scheduled meeting
  4. Proposed amendments will be reviewed among the Executive Board and put up for a vote at a monthly meeting
  5. If approved the amendment is considered effective immediately


  1. The organization may be dissolved with a majority vote
  2. Vote will be called after sufficient reasoning for dissolution has been proposed in writing and presented at a monthly meeting
  3. Remaining funds will be used to pay any outstanding debt, once debts are satisfied, the funds may be split evenly between buildings and spent in accordance with the guidelines of a tax exempt organization.

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